Doses of iodine consumption for your health

Deficiency or excess in the consumption of iodine can cause thyroid disorders. Then how many doses of iodine consumption should we eat? Based on international standards used in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the maximum iodine intake for someone of about 150 mikogram...

11 hours sleep, make your child more intelligent

If you want your child excel in school, tell them to always sleep on time every night. Latest research results of experts in the United States indicate that regular sleep pattern will make children more intelligent. Children who sleep and nap schedule will have the language...

50 million people died from smoking

Looks like a warning in small letters contained in the packaging of cigarettes (sound: Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence, pregnancy and fetal disorders) are not effective enough deterrent to make people smoke cigarettes. Indonesia is a "champion" the third...