Finally I've written 100 posts. This blog is created around the year 2007. This happens when when I was getting bored with friendster. I started to learn blogging by writing this article. Articles about religion. because I've learned about the science of religion. Initially difficult to blogging. There is no theme or story that I can write. after I learned from a senior blog, I finally started to focus. change the template, install the widget, search traffic, blogwalking, etc.
This blog starts around the month April 2009. I saw a talk show in the metro tv. about how bloggers can make money. At the time that the speaker is mrs zee, owner of blog. from there I began eagerly to blogging.
I'm looking for programs that can make money through blogs, such as PTC, PPC, PTR. first program that I follow is Although the results only slightly, I am happy to make money through this blog.
I hope this blog more useful for me and for other readers. thx.
Are you an active smoker but still fear the negative impact from smoking? perhaps this is one solution. By using e-cigarrete, you still can smoke without having adverse effects resulting from regular cigarettes. You can still enjoy smoking without the fear generated by the impact.
Cigarettes contain many toxins. but still many people consume them. they are addicted and hard to stop. With e-cigarette, all that can be resolved. e-cigarette is an electronic cigarette which made with microelectronic technology by using a battery.
Its contains water, propylene glycol, nicotine, a scent that emulates a tobacco flavor and a membrane to suspend the ingredients. Watch this video for details,
Twitter has launched a new feature. We can choose trending topic in our country. but unfortunately for country from Indonesia does not exist. Maybe being in progress. it will help us to know what the conversation was often discussed in our country.
You can login into the main site of twitter. On the right side there is a choice Trending: Worldwide. To find out what's trending topic being discussed in your country, you can click the link change, and choose your country.
it will appear hot trending topics t in your country. So, please try and happy tweeting!!
Every day I always dreamed to get a car. Like bmw last series or shiny black cadillac. But I'm sure one day my dream will come true. Having a private car can make us happy. We can travel to places that we like. Traveled to places we never visited. However, to maintain the car is not easy. Quality parts needed to be preserved car.
Try to visit They provide suppliers of spare parts have a quality car. You can choose on the website, which suppliers who match the needs of your car. You certainly want a good quality parts. So, visit and start choosing which suppliers may be suitable for your car.
As a writer or bloger, have you counted the words in your article. How many words have you written? it is very difficult if you do it manually. why this should be done. If you join the program paid review, it is very useful. Because many advertiser have a minimum of words which must be in the article that we write.
You can use word count tool. Word Count Tool is a free tool that counts the number of words submitted to it.
What does it count?
* Words made out of the alphabet. * Words made from a combination of alphabets and numbers. * Words with an apostrophe ( ' ) and a hyphen ( - ).
Everybody likes movies. Whether it's drama, action or horror. I admit that watching movies is the most exciting activities. We can enter into the realm of our imagination. In the past, people who want to watch the movie need to go to the theater or cinema. But now, we can watch movies online via the internet.
To watch movies online, we need a fast internet connection. if we do not have it, it will be a little annoyed. first you make sure to check whether your connection is adequate or not to watch movies online.
Please visit this website. you can find various types of films you want. such as Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Family, Fantasy, History, Horror, Musical, Romance, Sport and many more.
We often get a damaged file or false when we download on a website. It usually happens when we download it on a website that is not trusted. Are you already bored with this? maybe it is time to buy original software legally. provide this service. Where we can buy genuine software online with good quality software and cheaper.
Buy software on is very reasonably priced / cheaper than buying in a store. you do not have to bother to go out to buy the software you need. you just enter the website, look for software that you want, then buy it legally.
Payment is quite easy. able to use your credit card or your paypal account. Its simple, faster, and cheaper. Please visit this website to begin to try.
Sometimes a person has a good quality articles but did not know where and how to publish it. Actually there are several ways. able through online media such as social bookmarking or forum. is one of them. Where you can publish articles or even your products.
you can enter your articles for free at Will be many people who read your articles. If your article is good, the more you pupular well as the author. The more frequently you publish your article on the social boookmark like, the more your articles indexed by google.
A few weeks ago, this blog shoutbox impaired. the link does not exist. I do not know what happened to shoutmix. Other Bloger also experienced the same thing. is said that we are in the banned ip by shoutmix. So i replaced with a new shoutbox. So that i can still blogwalking to other bloger.
Today I was given the task to create a pdf file. But on my computer there is no software to create pdf files. When I search on google, I found many websites that provide to create a online pdf file. Of course its helped me to complete the task.
create pdf files on PrimoPDF is easy. Simply by uploading the files you want to make, and the file will be sent via your email.You can enter a file type such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Visio, Corel WordPerfect and Open Office Graphics formats including BMP, EPS, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIF.
you can enter this site to starting create a online pdf file
What is mangatar? Mangatar derived from manga and avatars. Avatar created with the concept of manga or cartoons to your own face. You can be creative to make this mangatar. There is many tools or options in the template provided. You do not need to sign up first. Its quick and instant. Unless you are too long for imagine your own mangatar.
Please visit this website to create. Mangatar that you have created will be sent via your email. So, please make your own mangatar with creative and a good imagination.
Many people who say that getting jobs from is difficult. It was true and I already felt it. Because of we are competing with many other bloggers, we must have a quality blog which is have a good page rank, alexa rank and traffic. But if we keep trying and working hard to improve the quality of our blogs, there would be a way to succeed in the program paid review.
It was almost 1 year ago I tried to improve the quality of this blog. But sometimes I also still lazy to update it. But I kept trying and kept blogwalking and update this blog although only once per 2 weeks post
I learned a lot from blogs masenchipz to review the program. Although the results are still not optimally, but I'm sure if I continue to be consistent, would be successful.
So, this is a result of my review of the program in buyblogreviews. Little nominal, but rather to add to my paypal account balance
For you who have not joined please join by clicking the banner below.
Maybe this is the best twitter client application for the iPhone today. Previously, many iPhone users using TweetDeck. Although this application is new, but many users have been satisfied to use it. The interface is attractive and free to use, it makes more popular application for the iPhone users.
Some standard features on offer here. As retweet, direct messsage, public time line view, reply, etc. But here it looks better and more user friendly
In addition to the iPhone. Hahlo also provides a web-based applications. You can access here. You can login with twitter account in this web based application. Hahlo4 is the latest version of web based twittrer cliet . So, please enjoy and Happy tweeting !!
Sometimes every person so lazy to open blogs that have a heavy content. Banner ads everywhere, too much image and javascript. Including this blog. : D. It sholud be reduced, so the visitor can enjoy your blog and can visiting your blog again in another day. So for the blog that still felt heavy, you can try this tool.
Please visit this website. Enter your blog url that you want to measure. Then click "start stop watch ". Blog that you entered earlier will come out with time load displayed on the top . My blog has about 14 seconds to load. So, how much time it takes to load on your blog?
Apparently, twitter account has a value. Like a blog or website. But I do not know the meaning of that value. Where the value comes from it, whether from many tweet we do? or how active we are on the twitter site?
I found this website from my friend twitter status. After I open and try it, my twitter account was worth about $ 40. Hemm, pretty good. Suppose it could be transferred to my paypal account : D
Please visit this website to try it. Please visit this website to try it. But you must have a twitter account first.
Do you live in India? and still having trouble doing sms. Now, there is a solution. We have had lots of free sms service providers in India. You can do so through the website. You can send an sms to someone even used mobile phones gsm or cdma.
There are several services in India so that everyone can do Free SMS in India. For more information from some service, you can see in the Indian Chat. One of the communication forum in India.
Hair is one of the most interesting part. If you are smart to take care of your hair, your hair can be one of enhancing attractiveness. Besides being treated, the hair will also look more beautiful if given an accessory. Hair accessories are so numerous and diverse. Glaidhair is one of those hair accessories provider.
Hair accessories can be a hair clips and hair pins. With the accessories, your hair will look more attractive.Women are very pleased to primp. Hair is the crown of the woman. Parts of the body must be treated every day. Can be formed and prettified
Gladhair provide various types of hair clips and hair pins with an affordable price. Inventory products including small hair clips, hair pins, cobs, barrettes, headbands, hair twists and crystals, and hair sticks. You can also make reservations online through their website. Payment can be made through paypal account or your credit card. please try and get the benefits.
Sometimes some people feel bothered by wearing glasses every day. Trouble in the use and maintenance. Your appearance may also be affected. Now today there's a solution to overcome it, by doing lasik surgery on your eyes.
Lasik operation is very safe. If done by people who've experienced. Some advantages to do surgery on your eyes is
Lasik can reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. Lasik is the most often performed surgery in the U.S Lasik vision recovery can be as little as a few hours, but most see well in about a day or two. Lasik normally has no pain.
The following are some data of lasik surgery performed in U.S.
1. 99% report quality of life as expected, better, or much better
2. 98% day vision as expected, better, or much better
3. 98% no complications or issues are seldom problematic
4. 98% would recommend surgery to family and friends.
5. 97% would have surgery again, knowing what they know now
6. 96% wear corrective lenses as often as expected, less, or much less than expected
7. 96% report postop vision without lenses as expected, better, or much better than expected when compared to preop vision with lenses
8. 96% report overall quality of vision as expected, better, or much better than expected
9. 91% no complications at any time
10. 91% night vision as expected, better, or much better
11. 7% complications seldom problematic
12. Yet 91% of these same patients would have surgery again
13. 2% complications frequent or always problematic
14. Yet 22% of these same patients would have surgery again
One of the places that experienced in handling lasik surgery is the Stahl Eye .They has been serving patients for more than 35 years. Stahl Eye Center has three locations in New York including Manhattan and Long Island. Stahl Eye Center doctors are graduates from top universities such as UCLA, John Hopkins and Yale. you can see the Doctor information at here
Now, you must have been convinced about lasik surgery, try it and get the benefits !
These days I get a disease in the eyelid. Its make me to stop all my routine activity. In the Indonesian language called "Bintitan". Initially the disease does not interfere with my vision. However, after a few days, the disease is growing and sore, so that makes me not to come to the office and come to the doctor for treatment.
After seeing doctors, I was given eye drops and some other drugs. The doctor said the disease caused by the irritation and bacteria that enter the eyelid. Well, I understand why this can happen. Because every day I get to work by riding a motorcycle. Dust and smoke on the street who irritate them.
Then I tried to find this disease in google, and I found this link. It was true, that this disease caused by bacteria. In medicine, this disease is called the "Herdeolum". and bacteria in it called the "staphylococcal". bacterium was only trapped in the eyelids, causing lumps.
Yeah, hopefully it can quickly disappear and I can return to activity again.
Sometimes we never know how much we tweet every day on twitter. Maybe we too enjoy the theme / hashtag that available. Or maybe you was enjoy to chat with old friends. And do you know that activities was recorded and statistics? has been providing these services. We can see our twet statistics per day, hourly, who most often we retweet, most often we reply, the application of what we often use, etc.
Here's my twitter statistics that have been analysis by
I've been following many ptc programs. But only few are successful. is one ptc ever give dollars to my paypal account. And others still stalled in payment. Sometimes I want to leave ptc programs. But because many of the other bloger been successful with this program, I'm still continue it.
This afternoon I was googling about ptc's I follow, Balance is already quite a lot. But I doubt whether this ptc pays its members or not. Then I found a blog that contains the existing PTC investigation. He gave information on whether these ptc ptc-legal or scam. And the results of these investigations is the experience he had tried. Not information from other sources.
So, if you really want to try a new ptc. There is nothing wrong we see the investigation of these blogs. At least we can avoid the scam ptc.
A few months ago, my office infected by the Conficker virus. it really makes me dizzy. Automatic all employees complained to me. This virus has long come out. The microsoft issued a statement will give a big gift for catching the virus creator.
After browsing through google. Finally I found a lot of blogs that discuss about this virus. Some of the signs if you are infected with the virus, your local network is lost, you can not connect between a single computer with other computers. Then you can not open the microsoft website and anti-virus.
To check whether your computer is infected by the virus or not please visit the following website.
If there appears a picture of all, then your computer is safe from the virus. If not, that's one sign that your computer is infected.
thank you for a few blogs below that have helped me to eliminate the virus
Do you often find it difficult to find a gift for your family? wanted quality goods, but you're do not want to go to the mall. Now there is the best solution to get it., provides a variety of bags hand and suitable for gift or for your everyday use founded in 2007. provides a variety of luxury goods and designer fashion at a price a cheaper, especially for a woman's handbag. Some bags are provided where the dark brown color will make the woman wearing it would look more mature and interesting. They provide some product from louis vuitton (LV) brand such as , louis vuitton handbags and louis vuitton bags
we all know that fashion is quite important for women. Women love to look attractive, because It's been the nature of a woman. A handbag as one part of a pretty woman fashion in delight. All women want a good bag and famous. But not all women have the same ability to buy. then procure good quality but affordable prices as well. so that later the bag hands that they can aspire to possess. Some brands are available, such as, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Hermes, Bally, Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu, Chloe, Yves Saint Lauren, Christian Dior and many more. From some brand, Louis Vuitton became the most preferred brand by the women for the moment. also provide discounts for their products around 60% -90%.
the online shopping is guarantee safe and easy. But you must first register to the website, and then login to the entire process of online shopping. Like other online shopping, we just choose the things we like and then processed and then we pay for it with a fairly easy payments, too.
Payment is also quite easy. Could use a paypal account or your credit card. The goods you buy will come within 5-7 days in business days.
are you ready ? please visit to try it.
Ternyata percakapan anda dengan orang lain di twitter bisa dilihat (track/lacak). sebuah website yang masih melaunching produknya secara beta ini sudah dapat melakukan hal tersebut. Untuk itu berhati-hatilah untuk ngeTweet hal-hal yang rahasia dengan seseorang. Apalagi dengan selingkuhan anda tentunya.
Caranya sangat mudah, anda hanya memasukkan dua user yang ingin anda lihat percakapannya. Hal ini dapat anda lakukan walaupun anda tidak menjadi follower ataupun friendsnya. Yah, namanya juga masih beta. Terkadang masih error juga. Kalau memang percakapan antara kedua orang tersebut banyak sekali, loading data menjadi lama.
Yap, pagi ini iseng buka blog yang sudah usang ini. Niat hati untuk memasukkan beberapa postingan gw yang sudah agak tertunda. Tapi tiba-tiba ada bisikan dari dalam pikiran untuk mengecek Page Rank blog ini. Gak ada harapan apa-apa sih, "ah paling juga masih belum pecah telor juga nih page rank nya" gumam hati gw. Eh, ternyata benar-benar tidak terduga dan tidak terkira. Page Rank 3 pun diterima juga oleh blog usang ini.
Sebenernya gw masih bingung si google tuh menilai page rank bagaimana. Padahal ini blog udah hampir 3 bulan jarang di update. Tapi ya gw bersyukur aja lah ya. Karena semenjak gw update blog ini pada april 2009, sama sekali page rank gak pecah2. Eh, pas gw tinggalin begitu aja, Alexa Rank turun, dan tak di sangka-sangka page rank gw naek Benar- benar mebingungkan tapi yaa menyenangkan juga.